Most of the visitors on HAMROCSIT are facing PDF loading issue. They may get errors on red container stating that “An error occurred while loading the PDF.”
This is usually happen when you block our PDF viewer to load the PDF from server. When you are using AdBlock Extensions or Any Download Manager Extension on browser, They restrict us to fetch PDF Files. So, Our PDF Viewer is getting this error.
IDM also prevent us to download from our server. It automatically download the PDF. Since, All the PDF on hamrocsit are Digitally Signed. So, You cannot open the PDF on your OS with our PDF viewer.
To Fixed the issue without disabling the IDM is given below:
on this textbox as shown in video. You must give space before domain name.If you are using AdBlock then simply disable the AdBlock for this website. If you are using AdBlock then you cannot access any of the page on our website.
No, You can read PDF easily. You will not face any issue on reading PDF. If you face any problem on hamrocsit, then you can message us directly from here or you can message developer directly.