Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
Course Title: Advanced Database
Course no: CSC461
Semester: VIII
Nature of course: Theory + Lab
Full Marks: 60 + 20 + 20
Pass Marks: 24 + 8 + 8
Credit Hours: 3
Course Description : This course includes advanced concept of database system. The main topics covered are advanced concept of relational data model, Extended E-R model, new database management technologies, query optimization, NoSQL database and big data processing techniques.
Course Objective : At the end of the course students should be able to know new developments in database technology, interpret and explain the impact of emerging database standards, evaluate the contribution of database theory to practical implementations of database management systems. Also, students should be able to develop more advanced application using MapReduce and Hadoop.
Students should implement different concepts of database system studied in each unit of the course during lab time and should submit a mini project at the end the course.