Concept and Evolution of Sociology; Applications of Sociology; Emergence of Social and Ethical Problems; Computer Ethics and Computer Ethics Education; Ethics and Professions
5415+ Students
Questions : 4+
Process; Theories of Social Change (Evolution, Functional, Conflict); Factors of Social Change (Economics, Technology, Education, Demography); Role of Media and Communication. . .
4977+ Students
Questions : 2+
Definition and Approaches of Development; Indicators of Development; Features of Developing Countries; Development Planning; Role of National and International Community and State
3541+ Students
Modernization, Globalization and Migration, E-governance, E-commerce
3182+ Students
Questions : 3+
Traditional Definition; Ethical Theories; Functional Definition of Ethics; Ethical Reasoning and Decision Making; Codes of Ethics; Reflections on Computer Ethics; Technology . . .
3492+ Students
Questions : 6+
Definitions; Computer Products and Services; Foundations of Intellectual Property; Ownership; Intellectual Property Crimes; Protection of Ownership Rights; Protecting Compute. . .
3704+ Students
Introduction; Digital Divide; Obstacles to Overcome the Digital Divide; ICT in the Workplace; Employee Monitoring; Workplace, Employee, Health, and Productivity
3185+ Students
Questions : 5+
Definitions; Causes of Software Failures; Risk; Consumer Protection; Improving Software Quality; Producer Protection
3128+ Students
Artificial Intelligence ad Ethics; Virtualization, Virtual Reality, and Ethics; Cyberspace and Ethics; Cyberbullying
3412+ Students
Introduction: Introduction To multimedia system , history and applicationsGlobal structure of Multimedia : Device domain, system domain, application domain, cross domain . . .
11585+ Students
Concepts of sound system: Frequency, amplitude, Computer representation of sound, sampling rate, quantization, sound hardwareMusic and Speech : Basic MDI concepts, MIDI . . .
10547+ Students
Digital Image Representation : Image format, storage image formatImage and graphics Format : Introduction about different Image and graphics FormatImage Synthesis ,. . .
9745+ Students
Video signal representation : Visual representation, Transmission, digitalizationComputer Video Format : Introduction to Computer video formatComputer- Based animatio. . .
8790+ Students
Storage Space : Basic knowledge about Storage SpaceCoding Requirements : Basic knowledge about Coding RequirementsSource, Entropy and Hybrid Coding: Entropy coding, . . .
8737+ Students
Basic Design Issues : Architectural issues, information characteristics for presentation, presentation function, presentation design knowledge, effective human computer inter. . .
7155+ Students
Abstractions Levels: Abstraction level of the programming of multimedia systemsLibraries: Introduction to LibrariesSystem Software: Data as Time capsules, data as Str. . .
7159+ Students
Media preparation and composition: Means, video support, scanner devices, recognition devices, tracking devices, motion based devices,Media integration and communication:. . .
6440+ Students
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