Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
Course Title: Digital Logic
Course no: CSC116
Semester: I
Nature of course: Theory + Lab
Full Marks: 60 + 20 + 20
Pass Marks: 24 + 8 + 8
Credit Hours: 3
Course Description : This course covers the concepts of digital logic and switching networks. The course includes the fundamental concepts of Boolean algebra and its application for circuit analysis, multilevel gates networks, flip-lops, counters logic devices and synchronous and asynchronous sequential logic and digital integrated circuits.
Course Objective : The main objective of this course is to introduce the basic tools for the design of digital circuits and introducing methods and procedures suitable for a variety of digital design applications.
Students should be able to realize following digital logic circuits as a part of laboratory work. Familiarizations with logic gates, Combinatorial Circuits, Code Converters, Design with Multiplexers, Adders and Subtractors, Flip-Flops, Sequential Circuits, Counters, Clock Pulse Generator