Relative Pronouns


Note: The difference between who/whom is that both of them are used to replace nouns that refers to however, who is followed by a verb and whom is followed by a noun.


  1. She is a womenThe women is kind. She is women who is kind.
  2. The men are angry. The women is taking to the men.

The men, to whom the women is taking, are angry.


Note: The difference between ‘that/which’ is that of them are used to replace nouns that refers to things however, ‘that’ is used in restrictive clauses and ‘which’ is used in non-restrictive clauses.


  1. This is a bookThe book is expensive. This is book that is expensive.


In this case, We can’t use which  because it is non-restrictive clause.

Restrictive and Non Restrictive Clause

a) Restrictive Clause

A restrictive clause doesn’t contain extra information and is not separated by commas (that, who, whom, whose)


  1. I like the movie that I saw yesterday.
  2. She is the women who is kind.
  3. He is the body whom I know.
  4. She is the girl whose sister is sick.

Non-Restrictive Clause

A non-restrictive clause contains extra information and is separated by commas (which, who, whom, whose)


  1. The movie, which he saw, was a mediocre.
  2. The boy, who asked the question, is clear.
  3. The men, whom we met, were lawyers.
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