Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology


Bachelor Level / fifth-semester / Science

Computer Science and Information Technology( CSC318 )

Web Technology

Full Marks: 60+20+20

Pass Marks: 24+8+8

Time: 3 Hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A

Attempt any two questions.


Write HTML script to create HTML form as below and perform form validation using JavaScript.

- Hamro CSIT

The validation should be as; the username should be of length at least 4 and is required. The password should start with a character and end with # and is required. The country and gender should be checked.


How XML is different from HTML? Write XML script to create XML document containing element Person having sub elements Age, Name and Pincode. Write equivalent XSD for validating restrictions on the elements as the Age should be between 10 and 20, the Name should be only accepting either Ram or Shyam and the pincode should be 3 digit.


Write a server side script in PHP to illustrate inserting and selecting values to and from database table. Create required connection using your own assumptions.

Section B

Attempt any eight questions.


Describe the WWW, web client and web server.


What are HTML keyboard events? Write a script to display a message “Hello world” on keypress event.


How HTML elements are accessed using getElementById and getElementByTagName, illustrate using HTML script.


How can you define position property for specifying specific positioning of an HTML element? Write internal CSS to illustrate position of an HTML div.


What is chaining in jQuery? Write a script to illustrate concept of chaining using slideUp and slideDown method.


What is XML? Why is it called extensible? Mention the use of XML.


What is XMLHttpRequest object? Write HTML script with AJAX showing the use of XMLHttpRequest object.


Write a PHP program that includes a function that will take two strings as input argument and print concatenation of two strings.


How can you handle session in PHP?