Lexical Analyzer
2.4 Lexical Analysis: The role of the lexical analyzer, Input buffering, Specification of tokens, Recognition of tokens, Finite Automata, Regular Expression to an NFA, Design. . .
2.4 Lexical Analysis: The role of the lexical analyzer, Input buffering, Specification of tokens, Recognition of tokens, Finite Automata, Regular Expression to an NFA, Design of a lexical analyzer generator 5 hrs.
2.5 Syntax Analysis: The role of parser, Context free grammars, Writing a grammars, Top-down parsing, Bottom-up parsing, Operator-preceding parsing, LR parsing, Ambiguous grammar.
2.6 Syntax Directed Translation: Syntax-directed definition, Syntax tree and its construction, Evaluation of S-attributed definitions, L-attributed, Top-down translation, Recursive evaluators.
2.7 Type Checking: Type systems, Specification of a simple type checker, Type conversions.